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  • WEAL Issues Press Release - Opposes Nagawicka Lake Proposed Pier 
    City of Delafield’s Individual Permit Application for a Pier with multiple moorings on Nagawicki Lake within an Area of Special Natural Resource Interest
    The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources held a Public Informational Hearing on March 27, 2023 to provide an opportunity for the public to learn about the City of Delafield’s permit application to place a “transient” pier with multiple moorings for watercraft in St. Johns Bay, an Area of Special Natural Resource Interest, (ASNRI) on Nagawicki Lake. The Public Notice is attached.
    Only two mapped and designated Areas of Special Natural Resource Interest, (ASNRI) are present on Nagawicki Lake. These special habitat areas provide food, shelter and breeding areas for fish and other aquatic life. Encroachment into these areas with pier structures, boat traffic, plant harvesters and other equipment can degrade these special areas and result in the loss of valuable fish and wildlife habitat. The two ASNRIs on Nagawicki Lake are delineated in orange on the attached Pier Proposal document.

Waukesha Water Diversion EIS Preliminary Final Hearing, Aug 20, 2019 Transporting Lake Michigan Water To Waukesha Will Have Little Impact On Waterways, Officials Say
Racine's Request for Foxconn Water Diversion
Read letters of comment submitted to Wisconsin DNR
Governor Doyle Signs Great Lakes Compact! 5/27/2008
Great Lakes Compact Passes! 5/14/2008
Op Ed: Strong Compact for a strong Wisconsin best choice to protect Great lakes Steve Schmuki, 1/12/2008
Press Release: Where's the Strong Compact? 2/12/2008
Fighting the Corporate Theft of our Water April 25, 2007
Wetlands are our own hazard insurance Wisconsin State Journal 8/24/07
Two Bits of News on Waukesha Water Local Press 5/07
New Berlin Should Get Lake Michigan Water Journal Sentinel editorial 7/5/2007
Waukesha to take Water Shephard Express 6/14/2007
Waukesha Water Troubles Worsen Journal Sentinel 6/4/2007
WUWM radio segment on Waukesha's water problems WUWM, 5/16/2007
Acquiring Land may Unleash "Water War": Waukesha wants to tap aquifer, some fear effect on marsh Journal Sentinel, 5/9/2007
Pass Great Lake's Compact Now Journal Sentinel, 5/6/2007
City moves forward with proceedings for water: Waukesha to use eminent domain power for land. Freeman, 5/2/2007
How One State Senator Shoots Her District in the Foot James Rown, 4/11/2007
Going for Lake Michigan Water: New Berlin Tries again James Rowen, 4/6/2007
Wells near marsh opposed: Waukesha's quest for water not settled Journal Sentinel, 8/14/2006
WEAL's comments to City Council regarding Waukesha's potential annexation of 333 acres for its water! Letter, 7/25/2006
Milwaukee Insight: Digging Into Waukesha's Quest for Lake Michigan Water, 3/27/2006
Time to Get More Serious About Water, Sprawl and Regional Planning James Rowen, 6/20/2006
City of Waukesha's Water Conservation Plan City of Waukesha website
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